Complaints Procedure
The information below and contained in the linked documents on this page outline the complaints procedure for the Centre of Therapy & Counselling Studies. It is our commitment to make this process as accessible and transparent as possible and to uphold a standard of acting upon complaints in an efficient and understanding way. Where possible, the Centre of Therapy & Counselling Studies will make the information contained here available in alternative languages or formats upon request. Hard copies of the documents below can also be requested from our reception.
The Centre of Therapy & Counselling Studies is a COSCA organisational member and as such, our complaints procedures are designed to operate in synergy with the COSCA complaints procedure and COSCA standards for member organisations, for complaints about our counselling related services, including training and supervision.
Resolving Problematic Situations Informally
Sometimes situations will arise that require guidance, mediation or resolution which can be dealt with quickly and easily. Rather than engaging in the lengthier complaints procedure, we can attempt to resolve such problems informally. If the situation is not simple or poses a risk, then it would be best to submit a formal complaint instead.
Our guidance for raising these problems for informal resolution can be downloaded from here: Download Guidance on Resolving Problematic Situations Informally
Making a Complaint
Complaints can be accepted in writing either by letter addressed to
Complaints Department
Centre of Therapy & Counselling Studies
8 Newton Place
Glasgow G3 7PR
or by email to admin@centreoftherapy.org.uk
Alternative means for submitting a complaint can be arranged for those unable to do so in writing.
Complaints will be accepted and investigated a maximum of one year following the incident and will be acknowledged upon receipt. Where appropriate, the Centre of Therapy & Counselling Studies will continue to update, in writing, the complainant and the party complained against at each stage in the process.
Our full and detailed complaints policy document can be downloaded from here: Download Full Complaints Policy